President/Representative Consultant
大山 保雄
トヨタ自動車で約30年勤務後はBrose Japan Ltd.で開発・営業ディレクターを務め
Boshoku Automotive Europe GmbHでManaging Director 兼 CFOを歴任。
Founder and owner of Ohyama Consulting Research LLC since its foundation in 2017.
Toyota Motor Company has its own business process solely developed over decades, which is very much different from global way of business and decision-making process. This makes extremely difficult for foreign supplier to enter Toyota’s supplier panel and gain trust from the Toyota worldwide.
Ohyama has been working at both Toyota Motor Corporation (in Japan and in the UK) and at a global supplier. With this experience he fully understands the difference between Toyota and the global standard.
Although his background is mechatronics engineering, he also understands business administration subject such as Finance, Marketing, Law and Human Relations at a high level. He has experience in financial controlling, M&A and private equity fund director.